Ms. Kristi Smith

Ms. Kristi Smith is the Teacher of the Week for December 9-13!  Congratulations!!!

Her favorite part of teaching is the kids, of course!  Another thing she loves about teaching is that every year you start over, so it's NEVER boring!  "It's like a brand new job with new faces, new challenges and new successes every August to May!"

This is Ms. Kristi's 27th year of teaching in Arkansas.  She has taught every grade K-6 and has loved them all for different reasons!  "My family (those in my house) are me, my ten-year-old son Mason, my mom and my 91 year old grandmother.  Mason is the man of the house, and he lets it be known.  We love Jesus, serving people, Christian music and singing--LOUD!!"

One of her favorite teaching memories is her time in first grade with Jay (not his real name).  Jay came from another state where he was labeled as being a severe behavior problem.  He and Ms. Kristi connected through art, and he won an art contest that year which was hung in one of the city's newest fire houses at the time.  Ms. Kristi spent a lot of time helping Jay get caught up from providing interventions at school, to even going to his house for after-school tutoring!  Ms. Kristi said, "The truth is that he was very bright and while he had some anger issues which stemmed from being misunderstood, he wasn't a behavior problem.  Years later, he eventually moved from Searcy.  I heard from him a couple of times, but them we lost touch.  I learned from my time with Jay that no matter way anyone says about a child, when they are in my classroom, it is my responsibility to teach them, love them, and connect with them to the best of my ability.  It's easier said than done sometimes, be we have to try!"  

That's why we all love Ms. Kristi Smith!!