The Searcy School District Board of Directors met tonight and accepted the recommendations by Superintendent Diane Barrett to fill administrative positions at Sidney Deener Elementary School. 


The board hired Jeff Graham as principal replacing Caroline Nail. Mr. Graham has acted as assistant principal at Sidney Deener for the last ten years, and before that he taught at Southwest Middle School for five years. Graham also serves as the Searcy School District Energy Education Specialist. 

Jeff Graham, Sidney Deener Elementary School Principal


Additionally, as Graham’s replacement, the board hired Jenny Mabry as assistant principal at Sidney Deener. Mrs. Mabry is returning to Sidney Deener Elementary School where she began her teaching career and taught third grade for four years. Following her time at Sidney Deener, she taught 3rd grade at Westside Elementary School. Mabry is beginning her  twenty-fourth year in the Searcy School District.

Jenni Mabry, Sidney Deener Elementary School Assistant Principal

Searcy School District congratulates Mr. Graham and Mrs. Mabry on their roles, and we look forward to a fantastic year at Sidney Deener Elementary School!