Tammy Wheat

It is our pleasure to announce that the Searcy School District 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year have been selected. After receiving nominations from the elementary campuses for Teacher of the Year, members of the leadership team selected Tammy Wheat as the Teacher of the Year. Following a review of numerous nominations for Employee of the Year, the support directors selected Lisa Mullins as the Employee of the Year.

Tammy Wheat teaches kindergarten at

Sidney Deener Elementary School. Her selection was announced at today's All Kids Bike Assembly at Sidney Deener Elementary School where Governor Sarah Sanders, Dr. Jacob Oliva, and other state dignitaries were in attendance. Lisa Mullins is the administrative assistant to Dr. Bobby Hart, and she was notified this morning with her colleagues at the Superintendent's Office.

Congratulations to both of these deserving individuals! Searcy School District will honor them in the fall with a recognition event.

Tammy Wheat 1Lisa Mullins