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Dear Parent or Guardian,
The students and faculty of the Harding University Physician Assistant Program will be providing optional pre-participation physicals for Searcy Junior High and High School athletes on April 30, 2020.

This physical examination will be performed by physician assistant students with their faculty which includes physician assistants and a medical doctor. This examination will include observation and examination of vital signs, general physical appearance, eyes, ears, nose throat, lymph nodes, the abdomen, skin and the nervous system, heart, blood vessels and lungs.

The Searcy school athletic training and coaching staff will provide specific instructions regarding logistics and provide your athlete with the appropriate forms to complete prior to the physical examination. The forms need to be filled out as directed with the parent signature in order for our team to perform the physical.

In the event that the medical provider observes an abnormality or the student athlete requires further medical evaluation, the medical provider will communicate with the school staff or contact the parent directly with further recommendation.

We do not charge a fee for these exams, however we are accepting donations that will go toward the Physician Assistant Students’ Scholarship Fund. If you have any other questions, we will be happy to provide more information. 

The Students and Faculty of the Harding Physician Assistant Program

Access the link to the Athletic Physical Form below.

Athletic Physical Form