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Dr. Bobby Hart
Mr. Dean Stanley
Assistant Superintedent
Butch Schucker
Athletic Director
Natalie Gosdin
Special Education Supervisor
Betsy Bailey
Communications/Community Relations
Christine Harrell
Federal Programs Coordinator
David Dale
Transportation Director
Katie Sipes
Mental Health/Counseling Director
Baylee Clark
Social Worker/100 Families
Jaclyn Seiders
Shelley Rohr
School Psychology Specialist
Brooke Grant
504 Coordinator
Patti Kitts
Technology Instructional Facilitator
Andrew Sills
Technology Facilitator
Lauren Taylor
Math Specialist
Amanda Sims
Literacy Instructional Facilitator
Lee Anne Russell
Director of PreK
Heather Burrow
District Treasurer
Stephanie Gutierrez
Payroll and Human Resources
Melissa Swanson
Assistant District Treasurer