We are very pleased to announce that the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education informed the Searcy School District that the USDA waiver to feed all students for free has been extended until the end of the 2020-2021 school year. All students in the Searcy School District will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost.
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Students in Sra. Jessica Martin's Spanish classes participated in Christmas caroling virtually this year and even included family and friends! Watch a sample of those carols here! https://flipgrid.com/+martin6245
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
We want to commend our students and staff members for continuing to be diligent about wearing masks. Upon our return from Christmas break, Searcy School District will provide an additional cloth mask for all students and staff members. We want to remind our families that cloth masks should be washed twice weekly at a minimum to reduce the spread of Covid-19 or other germs. With the upswing of additional Covid-19 cases, we ask that our families please take precautions during the holiday break, so we can try to limit our number of positive cases within our school district when we return to school. We realize this is a difficult time for all, and we greatly appreciate the support and adherence to the health guidelines.
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
This message is to inform parents that the Searcy School District Home Access Center (HAC) will be down from December 20 through December 28th for maintenance purposes. You will not be able to view your student’s grades during this time period. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Link to AJHS spelling bee. Watch is live here! https://studio.youtube.com/video/1eo_otYbB14/livestreaming
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Athletic Update: The basketball schedule for this week has changed. Please see the revised schedule below. Tuesday, Dec 15 4pm 7/8 Girls vs. Annie Camp @ Searcy 5pm SHS JVB/VB vs. El Dorado @ Searcy Thursday, Dec 17 4pm 8B/9B/8G @ Greenbrier Friday, Dec 18 5pm SHS JV Boys/Varsity Boys @ Paragould
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Congratulations to the SHS Esports teams!. Both Rocket League and League of Legends teams qualified for the playoffs and will play at 4:00 pm today! You can watch these competitions live at https://www.twitch.tv/searcyhighschoolesports. Go Lions!
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Santa made a special visit to Searcy Public Schools today! And, he came bearing Twix bars. Superintendent Barrett is smiling big behind that mask!! We can see the twinkle in both of their eyes!
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
santa pic
Athletic Update: The 7th grade and 9th grade boys basketball games scheduled for tonight have been cancelled by Truman. There will be no Searcy basketball games tonight. 
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Searcy School District Events Calendar-December 7-12
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
media release
The Searcy Lion football team wishes to thank these local organizations for sponsorship of team dinners and donations!
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Congratulations, Ahlf Jr. High School, on raising over $4,000 in toys for Operation Homefront! We are so proud of you. Watch the video here! https://adesandbox.arkansas.gov/iframe?v=fYzVhZjY5MDViYzI4YzdiYzE1MTBlMmZhNjE1YTkzMGI
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Hey Searcy fans, you can catch our very own alumnus basketball player Freddy Hicks on the SEC Network tonight playing for the Tarleton State Texans. We are so proud of Freddy and his post high school achievements!
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
freddy hicks
Here is your December Update newsletter from Searcy School District! https://www.searcyschools.org/article/357655
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
Basketball Update-- Tuesday, December 1 Basketball: 7B/7A/8 Girls Only vs. Batesville SS @ Searcy Basketball: SHS Senior Girls vs. Morrilton- CANCELLED
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
This message is for all Searcy School District parents/guardians. If your child brought home a school-issued chromebook before the Thanksgiving break,please ensure that it is fully charged and returned tomorrow. We look forward to welcoming our students back to SPSD. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
We at Searcy Public Schools are thankful for our students, staff, and all our families. We wish you a very special holiday spent with loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
CLEAResult, via a free incentive through Entergy Arkansas, provided Searcy Schools with free energy saving lightbulbs to be made available to staff & students. Thanks, CLEAResult & Entergy! Mr. Graham, EES specialist, and Mrs. Bailey, school/community coord, unpack the shipment.
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
light bulbs 1
light bulbs 1
We are excited to announce that McRae received a $700 grant from Walmart Giving! We can't wait to use these funds for our Capturing Kids Hearts program. Pictured is Dan Thurmon presenting the check to McRae Elementary. #BetterTogether #WalmartGiving #McRae #whateverittakes
about 4 years ago, Searcy Public Schools